
I’m here with 9 JDM cars that are finally legal to import. Well, it's more like 10, and there are a lot of Toyotas.

Today, we’ve put together a little list of expensive versions of cheap cars. Hope you have some pennies saved.

If I’m super honest, there are some really surprising cars that are faster and cheaper than this Audi R8 supercar I own.

We put together a list of some of the best sports cars that have skyrocketed in value, and it’s not too late!

You my friend, you’re into something a bit more nimble, a bit more intelligent, you want to build yourself a fast four-cylinder! Well, good news, Ideal fam, I'm here to show you 10 of the craziest, most desirable, and most buildable four-bangers ever!

Oh man, sometimes you see some dumb stuff on the road. Mods that make you embarrassed to even own a car. And hell, maybe some of you even made these mistakes when you were younger. I know I did… But those days are behind me, and to save you the potential embarrassment, we’re going to run you through a list of the dumbest mods you need to avoid at all costs. And maybe do a littlle roasting along the way...

I bet you didnt know that Volkswagen Group has actually owned 100% of Porsche since 2012, that Tata Motors, an Indian company, owns the reliably unreliable Land Rover, or that McLaren owns... well, McLaren! Who owns the world's most popular car brands here in the USA is about as clear as mud, like the kind you can slide through in your Rolls-Royce (which is owned by BMW). Wait... that's got to be a mistake... there’s no way BMW owns the British icon Rolls-Royce! Are you kidding me? Well, guess what, it's the truth. I’m going to dig into the 12 automaker parent companies and which brands are under their care. This is going to be a fun one. And by the end of this article, you might be surprised who actually made your car!